
20 Years of Experience

Business to Business

We focus on efficiency: getting our clients out of litigation and back to their businesses in the
best positions at the lowest possible cost.

Individual to Business

LEVENTHAL pllc charges less than half the hourly rate of large firm civil litigators with similar years of experience.

Professional Malpractice

Our expertise includes legal malpractice, accounting malpractice, engineering malpractice claims, and more.

Is LEVENTHAL pllc Right for You?

Despite having over twenty years experience in Minnesota civil litigation in both state and federal courts, can one lawyer really handle business litigation with a million dollars or more at stake and manage a million documents exchanged in discovery?

You would be surprised. Call and let’s talk. LEVENTHAL pllc successfully represents clients ranging from individuals to large corporations in a wide variety of business-to-business disputes, individual-to-business disputes, and professional malpractice (for example, legal malpractice, accounting malpractice, engineering malpractice) claims.

There certainly are cases that LEVENTHAL pllc is not equipped to handle but LEVENTHAL pllc offers a free consultation. If LEVENTHAL pllc is not right for you, we will refer you to a lawyers and law firms in a better position to help you. With over twenty years of experience with over ten years at some of the largest Minnesota law firms, LEVENTHAL pllc intel and referral networks are broad and deep.

LEVENTHAL pllc will not take cases that are economically irrational or that are not a good fit. Before taking a case, we will evaluate whether LEVENTHAL pllc is your best option and, if you team up with LEVENTHAL pllc, you get the optimal balance of costs and benefits, risks and rewards.