Update (June 29,2015): A new handbook will help e-filers in the Minnesota district courts. The handbook is published by the Minnesota Judicial Branch and is found on the courts website. The handbook provides some general background on e-filing procedures. Section 7 of the handbook, though, is made mandatory for e-filers. The requirements in Section […]
Now that we are moving to e-filing of court documents, there are some new needs to make briefs and memos effective. And some new tools are available. Two of them are hyperlinks and bookmarks. We are all familiar with hyperlinks (like this.) Clicking on a hyperlink will take the reader to a new page. Our […]
Justice G. Barry Anderson spoke on e-filing of court documents at a CLE a while back. One topic he mentioned was bookmarks in e-filed PDFs. Here are some of his thoughts now on the subject. Shared with his permission: : “First, the usual and customary caveats—I’m writing solely for myself, we’re in the early stages […]