Minnesota Litigator has followed the case of alleged professional malpractice by JJ Holand against the preeminent Twin Cities law firm of Fredrikson & Byron for a few years now.
It turns out the case may have been D.O.A. (“dead on arrival”) on Day 1 and now Fredrikson & Byron is striking back with a “Rule 11” motion for sanctions against the plaintiff, JJ Holand and its lawyers, Patrick O’Neill et al.
Mr. O’Neill is one of the most well-known plaintiffs’ side legal malpractice lawyers in Minneapolis-St. Paul (and the entire state) but he now finds himself (1) sued for malpractice in one case, and (2) the target of a Rule 11 motion for sanctions in another. The amount of the sanctions? Fredrikson proposes that, “The amount of sanctions should be all fees and costs incurred by Fredrikson in defending this action.” That would be a big number…