• January 20, 2017

David Schlesinger, an employee rights lawyer for the Minneapolis employment powerhouse law firm of Nichols Kaster published a remembrance of his lawyer father this week in MinnPost.

Attention Minnesota Civil Litigators (and those who love them): If you have not read it, go read it.

The punishing expense of civil litigation, the inherent arbitrariness and uncertainty of it (and, thus, the injustices we witness from time to time), the moral ambiguity of it (at times), can be dispiriting for those of us (most of us, I’d say) committed to making a meaningful and positive difference in our work.

In our darker moments, our efforts for our clients might seem mundane or trivial in the grand scheme, or even worse, pointless. Mr. Schlesinger’s article highlights how our work, even if not always glamorous or headline-worthy, can be nothing short of inspiring, heroic, and deeply gratifying.

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