• October 26, 2010

Minnesota Litigator has received several requests for class action claim forms in recent days.  I am not sure what explains the sudden uptick in contacts to Minnesota Litigator regarding claims in a class action to which Minnesota Litigator has no connection of any kind, other than a stray comment on the litigation.  Whatever the reason, Minnesota Litigator has had to send out several communications as follows:

Dear _______,

Minnesota Litigator is a blog that covers news and developments in Minnesota business litigation.  It has no connection with the Best Buy Dryer Installation class action.  Accordingly, Minnesota Litigator will not be sending any claim form to you.  I suggest you look elsewhere for a response to your request below.

Try here:  http://dryerinstallationsettlement.com/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=mZPrN8EhQ20%3D&tabid=121&mid=595 or here.

Thank you

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