• November 4, 2010

UPDATE: A third jury finds damages of $1.5 million this time against Jammie Thomas-Rasset (who had turned down a offer to settle for $25,000).

[11/1/2010 post:] U.S. District Court Judge Michael J. Davis (C.J.) appears to have almost instantaneously stricken the 5-page brief of Prof. Charles Nesson of the Harvard Law School, filed in the Capitol Records vs. Thomas-Rasset “file-sharing”/copyright infringement case.  Prof. Nesson’s brief was filed this morning.  So was Judge Davis’ order pointing out that Prof. Nesson represents no one in this litigation and has not been granted leave to file a brief in the case, much less a brief on an issue that was fully brief, argued, and decided by the Court last week…

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