• December 3, 2010

UPDATE:  U.S. District Judge Robert M. Dow, Jr. (N.D. Illinois) rejected the five-state challenge (or at least the claim for preliminary injunctive relief) to Illinois’ refusal to close its locks and prevent Asian Carp from invading the Great Lakes (NPR coverage is here).

Michigan’s Attorney General Mike Cox chided the President:   “Obama’s persistent failure to stop Asian carp is a slap in the face to Great Lakes citizens genuinely concerned about preserving their livelihood.”  (Metaphorically slapping the Commander-in-Chief in the face with a fish?)

Original Post, Sept, 14, 2010:  In the battle to defend the Great Lakes from an Asian Carp invasion, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois (Robert M. Dow, Jr., J.) in Chicago will be hearing expert testimony today.  (ML previous coverage of this litigation: here and here.)

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