The subject line of this post is intended as an oxymoron — kind of like saying, “the future of the Minoan civilization.” (At left, one notes that dealing with an unreal amount of bull appears to be a shared trait of these two extinct cultures.)
Seriously, the revolution that has been and that will continue to sweep through the legal profession is so dramatic that it is hard to fathom. In the past several years, Richard Susskind has been one of the foremost if not the foremost scholar pondering this dramatic turn of events and offering deep insight. He will be in town giving a lecture at William Mitchell College of Law, Wednesday, November 20, 1:30-4:30. Thanks go to Minnesota Litigator’s sponsor, Shepherd Data Services, which is also sponsoring Mr. Susskind’s lecture. The lecture is free. You should go. Stick around after for the panel discussion. Why? Because I am on the panel? No. IN SPITE OF THE FACT that I am on the panel. The other panelists are amazing and I promise to be quiet.