• November 27, 2019
My severely fractured knee-cap.

Regular Minnesota Litigator readers will have noticed a drop-off in the frequency of Minnesota Litigator posts since early October.

On October 2 at about 5:20 p.m., a man driving a BMW 5 Series southbound on Colfax Ave. South crossed 28th Street without looking both ways.

Riding my bike home from work that late afternoon, the last conscious thought I remember as I saw the car skidding immediately to my right (I was biking on the cross-street in a dedicated bike lane) was, “That guy almost hit me….”

The next thing I knew, I was on the ground. I had no idea how badly hurt I was.

I was wearing a helmet. It cracked so my brain and skull did not. The helmet, may it rest in peace, did its job.

It is time to give thanks. Thanks to the healthcare providers and other care-givers (including patient family members near and far) helping me mend. Thanks to Minnesota Litigator readers for their patience. Thanks to a smaller set of Minnesota Litigator readers for their contributions, tips, and comments.

Best wishes to all during the Thanksgiving holiday long weekend and here’s to looking forward to on-going recovery and more time to write posts about news and commentary in Minnesota civil litigation!

P.S. Notwithstanding the accident, LEVENTHAL pllc was up and running throughout, representing businesses and individuals in Minnesota civil litigation.

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