• December 28, 2018

The linked order from Judge Vanessa D. Gilmore of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas has been bouncing around the internet for most of December so many Minnesota Litigator readers have undoubtedly stumbled across it already.

It is a cry from the heart of a federal judge that lawyers and clients, alike, can get enmeshed in tedious conflict, failing to appreciate the way they are perceived by others (as petty, silly, needlessly antagonistic).

On the other hand, Judge Gilmore, herself, has been the subject of withering criticism, some of which, appears to be justified.

Regardless of who is more to blame in this apparent break-down in common decency, the tiff is nevertheless a worthwhile reminder during the holiday season. This is a time when we aspire, at least, to see the forest for the trees, that is, to rise above the immediate and trivial, to contemplate and celebrate greater meaning, like love, family, and the sheer joy of life. Happy Holidays from Minnesota Litigator and best wishes for the year to come! Thanks for all contributions, comments, suggestions, and tips. KEEP THEM COMING!


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