I follow ethics issues for Minnesota lawyers fairly closely because I find it interesting and because I find myself with plaintiff’s side attorney malpractice cases from time to time.
I think alcoholism is the single greatest cause of attorney malpractice. Sometimes, it is said, a person has to “hit bottom” before he recognizes he has a problem. Quoting my own post from a few years ago, “The expression is a little off, however. Hitting bottom is dying. No matter how much alcoholics have harmed their lives (and those who love them), they can fall still further (or, one hopes, can still recover), until they are dead.”
So, when should you conclude that you have hit “rock bottom”?
I have previously covered the successful appeal that Minnesota attorney Mark Alan Greenman enjoyed when he was charged with drunken Segway driving. This week comes news of his suspension for practice. The list of malfeasance is long. The penalty for Mr. Greenman was severe. His plea for leniency based on an admission of chemical dependency problems did not get him much sympathy.
Alcoholism can be a crippling and even fatal disease. If you are a Minnesota lawyer and you or someone you know needs help, go to Lawyers Concerned For Lawyers for help before it is too late.