• May 16, 2017

Dallas Cowboy running back, Darren McFadden, has brought suit in Little Rock, Arkansas against Ameriprise, alleging that an Ameriprise financial adviser stole millions of dollars from McFadden. The Star Tribune reported the story late in the evening two days ago. The Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal picked up the story (noting and linking to the Strib’s story) and tweeted about it this morning.

Neither newspaper thought their readers might be interested in reading the complaint itself, I guess. Or they thought the $2.90 it costs to get a copy and the infinitesimal data storage costs 956 kilobytes might eat into their papers’ profit margins. Or they thought this is unfair to Ameriprise because complaints are one-sided, obviously biased, and potentially inaccurate allegations.

Whatever the case may be, once more, Minnesota Litigator fills the breach. Here, linked, is the complaint.

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