• April 8, 2011

Do you have an hour or so to spare to address the remote risk of serious catastrophe?  The small investment in time might pay off big time some day.  Minnesota Lawyers Mutual has produced four presentations on Disaster Preparation and Recovery for its new online service, Ten Minute Tutor:

  1. Lessons Learned and Smart Technologies
  2. Your Insurance and Other Disaster Needs
  3. Disaster Planning Kits
  4. Dealing with Client Files

Ten Minute Tutor is an online collection of instructional video presentations with supporting written materials. Each presentation is short (around ten minutes or less) and taped in a professional web studio.

The presentations provide an outline of steps you can take to prepare for unexpected minor and major practice interruptions and how you should respond to them.  A little loss preparation goes a long way toward minimizing the effects of a disaster. MLM’s Ten Minute Tutor is a new service for MLM insureds on the MyLawyersMutual.com website.

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