• November 8, 2017

























Update (November 8, 2017): Just posting a reminder.

Original post (October 2, 2017):  Try to imagine that your passion in life, your dreams, your love, is art and artistic expression. You sacrifice financial security. You expose yourself to society in a deeply personal way unlike most people. You expose yourself to contempt, to withering criticism, and, most commonly and painfully, to — to complete indifference, Few of us have the courage.

Talk about a hard road…

If you can imagine the challenges faced by contemporary artists, it is a small step for the Minnesota lawyers among you to imagine the satisfaction and gratification of helping artists with legal problems.

I have had the honor and pleasure of volunteering legal advice to artists referred to me by Springboard for the Arts over the past 10+ years. I have been given artwork in appreciation for legal work I have done. I have helped some ambitious, inspiring, and unsung heroes. Consider getting involved, not simply to help people who need help, but to broaden and enrich your experience and your life.

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