Regular readers of Minnesota Litigator may recall past episodes of “Tales from the Trenches,” in which I do not really publish “news and commentary about Minnesota civil litigation,” which happens to be Minnesota Litigator’s “mission statement.”
No, if you look at the string of “Tales from the Trenches” posts, I think it might be more accurate to say that I simply prattle on about this or that. If you were uncharitable, you might even say that these tales from the trenches are simply whinging and whining, topped off with a dollop of complaining.
You want to hear whining? Really?
OMG, my week last week… OMFG.
The week started with an urgent meeting with a wealthy client with an extremely difficult legal problem. Money was no object, I was told. I mentioned that the client needed to appreciate that the cost of the matter would very likely exceed $50,000 and possibly several times that. The client did not even blink. “Move ahead,” I was instructed, “Immediately.”
But it turned out there is significant doubt as to whether there was any case or any money. And it took the bulk of the week for me to figure that out.
Then, there was another client with what appears to be a promising contingent fee case. After about 40 hours of work over the past few months, however, the client is AWOL.
Finally, I closed out the week with a meeting no-show for a third client (if you could call non-clients clients, I guess) on a late Friday afternoon before the Labor Day weekend. It was, of course, quite relaxing and luxurious, sitting at my desk for two hours in the vacation-empty office waiting for the no-show. It gave me plenty of time to think about my entirely pathetic entirely weak week….
Laissez les bon temps rouler, n’est-ce pas?