• May 8, 2019

We’re back. We spent about ten days straight preparing for a five-day trial scheduled to start on Monday, May 6. (This, by the way, supports our rule of thumb for budgeting trials: two full days of preparation for every one day of trial.)

Our adversaries failed to show up with exhibit notebooks for opposing counsel (that is, for us) (practice pointer: don’t be like them) but they did show up with their checkbook (metaphorically). We settled the case before a jury was empaneled.

In the past, we have called trial, “Whack-a-Mole on Steroids.” (Here is a video of “Whac-a-Mole” in action to give a flavor of the experience (note the alternative spelling which might have to do with branding (in which sellers like to use non-existent words))).

Some might consider trial “fun.” Some consider trial “nightmarish.”

Almost everyone, if not everyone, should agree that it is challenging and stressful.

So, congratulations are in order that the parties were able to bridge the chasm of their dramatically differing assessments of the case. Next time, we can only hope it happens sooner than Day #1 of a scheduled trial.

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