Minnesota Litigator picked up a tip to the May 28, 2013 note by Victor Li in the Litigation Daily about this case. D.C. Powerhouse, Massey & Gail, along with Twin Cities Zimmerman Reed lawyers Carolyn Anderson, David Cialkowski, June Hoidal and Patricia Bloodgood represent the state of Mississippi in a “parens patriae” lawsuit, a lawsuit brought by the state of Mississippi against companies alleged to have participated in price fixing in the liquid crystal display (“LCD”) business. The issue: is a “parens patriae” lawsuit a “mass action” that can be plucked from the state courts across the United States by defendants to be decided in federal court under the federal Class Action Fairness Act (“CAFA”). Every U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has answered that question, “No,” but the Fifth Circuit went the other way so the U.S. Supreme Court has to reconcile the split…