• August 30, 2009

I have never felt the need to name my meat before eating it; I don’t know anyone, in fact, who makes a habit of it, but, for some reason, McDonald’s new ad campaign seems to hint at this strange act.

McDonald’s odd, “Who’s your patty?” ad campaign apparently derives from “Who’s your daddy?” (or an Irish slogan, “Who’s your patty/paddy?”) and, as as been covered heavily in the past few days in local news (MPR and all local television news outlets), McDonald’s appears not to be the first restaurant to come up with idea of associating this phrase with its hamburger patties.

The Lion’s Tap, in Eden Prairie, has brought a trademark suit in U.S. District Court, D. Minn., against the fast-food giant. (Lion’s Tap counsel has expressly invoked the David vs. Goliath in the complaint and has otherwise adopted a somewhat light-hearted tone not normally associated with complaints initiating lawsuits.)


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